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About Criminal Sound

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Criminal Sound had its beginning as a sideline to a country-rock band named Wheatstraw, based in Boston, MA in the 1970's. After joining the band as bass-player, I gradually took over responsibility for the "technicals" - keeping the truck running, getting the PA to work, buying new gear and upgrading what we had. Eventually, the band leader - Chuck McDermott - and I decided to split the band into two entities: Chuck McDermott & Wheatstraw (the recording and performance part) and Criminal Sound (the PA and truck part.)

In early 1978, I took leave of Wheatstraw. My landlord (and mentor), Walter Lenk, was looking for sound companies to work at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. Since I had a truck, a PA and no other pressing committments, I took him up on his offer and became a actual sound company. Realizing that I needed a quick education in the acoustics and sound reinforcement field, I took a course at Steve Langstaff's Audio Workshop and later courses in analog & digital electronics as well as various computer programming courses as Lowell Institute at M.I.T.

Since then, I have mixed at festivals, clubs, private functions and theatrical productions, using both my own gear and house or rented systems. I have contracted under Criminal Sound as well as working as crew for other sound companies. I have also done recording studio installs and upgrades, and done some building of various custom electronic devices.